and More
Mealcare and more
Being able to eat a healthy and delicious meal together in a service center or at your own table at home, is a strong factor in the daily general quality of life for our meal consumers
buurtcentrum of aan de eigen tafel thuis,
is voor onze maaltijdgebruikers vaak een
sterk bepalende factor in hun dagelijkse
Meals delivered at home per day
Happy customers
Our services

maaltijden in buurtcentra
Indien u graag uw maaltijd nuttigt in het gezelschap van anderen, kom dan zeker eens langs in één van de buurtcentra waar onze maaltijden aangeboden worden.

Meals delivered at home
Wanneer u liever uw maaltijden thuis wil nuttigen, kan u ook beroep doen op ons. Wij zijn actief in Brugge, Blankenberge, Jabbeke, Oostkamp, Damme, Zuienkerke, Zedelgem en deelgemeentes.

Meals in care centres
We offer meals for residential care centres, day-care centres, nurseries and centres for persons with disabilities.

Delivery with an extra
With this service, our meal delivery drivers wil gladly take some extra time to sit down and have a nice chat, listen to your needs and answer any further questions.

de voedselploeg
In samenwerking met Stad Brugge en ’t Sas halen we voedseloverschotten op en leveren wij dit aan organisaties die voedselhulp voorzien.
we strive to improve life quality through fulfilling physical, mental and social needs of persons in need of care and their healthcare environment. We do this through offering a healthy and delicious meal customized to the needs of the client.
Healthy food: what is it exactly? Sometimes it's hard to find the right answer in the flood of information you can find these days. The scientifically based knowledge is summarized in the ''food triangle"
Excercise: why is it so important and how do you implement it in your daily routine? The 'excercise triangle' answers these questions.
Mental Health
A happy life... We all wish it for each other. But 'feeling happy' or 'being happy': how do you actually achieve this. The 'hapinness triangle' wil inform and inspire you.

Health risks
Next to our head task - offering healthy delicious personalized meals - we strive to inform our meal consumers and their healthcare environment about the most common health risks and how to avoid them.
About us
We prepare delicious, healthy and personalized meals. Our meals are catered to the needs, wishes and desires of our meal consumers. Every day, our team is at the disposal of our consumers and their healthcare environment.
Mission & vision
Through the lack of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, vulnerable groups of people have an increased risk to various health problems.
Ruddersstove is committed to a integrated, preventive and healing approach through affordable mealcare.
Who's who?
No mealcare without our team!
Are you curious about the faces of our multidisciplinary team who, every day, are committed to realizing this task.
Every day, we search for new ways to grow and innovate in mealcare.
We do this in various ways; creating new recipes, organizing new events or making new investments in existing or new projects. These are just a few examples of everything we do to achieve this goal.
Do you want to use your talents and creativity to help us realize mealcare of the highest quality? Then be sure to take a look at our vacancies.
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