Mission & vision
Why a mealcare platform?
The life quality of social vulnerable groups is under great pressure. Their physical and mental health is challenged daily and their care environment has to put a lot of effort into ensuring their welfare. When there's lack of an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, these vulnerable groups run the risk to developing a variety of health risks no matter where they live. Ruddersstove is commited to providing an integrated, preventive and healing approach with affordable mealcare.
The digital platform is open to anyone who attaches importance to food and health
- We help increasing your life quality from a physical, mental and social point of view according to the customers and its caring environment's needs through healthy meals currated to the customer.
- Through collaboration we want to empower other care-organisations to ensure the best overal care environment for our clients.
- We help make sure that healthcare stays affordable by commiting to integrated care, specialisations and economies of scale.

Our customers
Our customers are persons with a physical-, mental- or social need of care. Increasing their chances to several health risks.
The mealcare platform is responsible for:
- Customer focus, via inclusive mealcare.
- Personalisation with attention to the 'experience' of having a meal.
- Variation throug a wide range of meals and services in several combinations.
- Being simple and accessible, customized for every customer.
Ruddersstove strives for optimal collaboriation with its care-partners in the value-chain of mealcare. This model consists of selfcare, educational help and professional help on and around the plate. Ruddersstove greatly invests in all forms of help required for our customers.
Our care-partners
- informal care: customer, family, caregiver and/or community worker.
- Professional care: doctors, hospitals, home nursing, home care, social worker, community- and service centres, daycare centres and/or residential care centre.
- Through collaboration with all stakeholders in the chain of mealcare we build mealcare folliwing the subsidiarity principle in the care-continuum
- reinvestment of efficiency gains from collaborations & economies of scale in increasing the availability and capacity of care with a recoup effect for every stakeholder.
Stakeholders are:
- informal care: customer, family, caregiver and/or community worker.
- Professional care: doctors, hospitals, home nursing, home care, social worker, community- and service centres, daycare centres and/or residential care centre (incl. industrial kitchens).
The value-chain can be displayed as an iteration
Subsidiariteit binnen het continuüm van maaltijdzorg
- Deployment of tools in terms of supply, logistics & framing on a level (aid form) where the impact / Return On Effort is maximal - ROE is constant through the entire continuum.
- Selfcare - informal help - professional help with regard to food & care
- Specific: supporting self-catering, takeaway, meals in care-centres, bringing people together, cold dishes and hot meals delivered at home, meals in service and residential care centres.
- The solution model consists of 4 P's:
- Preventive
- Predictable
- Personal
- Participative
- The collaboration facilitates the role change & redistribution of all actors in the value-chain aimed on the creation of prosperity and welfare around food & care.
We work on
- Expansion of the preventive part
- Expansion of the muti medial frontoffice
- Expansion of meal-offering according to the need of care
- Expansion of a flexible service level in logistics according to the need of care
- Expansion of mealcare around the plate, no matter the location.
- Expansion of collaborations
- Functional integration of operational structures - transmural
Adden value for and from partners
- Thinking along:
- Expanding the platform with partners according to our growing and collective vision on this theme.
- No "take it or leave it" attitude
- Helping in developement:
- Through consensus, every partner does its part for developement.
- No communal costs, no financial contribution nor the creation of formal structures.
- A network organisation coordinated from OCMW Brugge - Ruddersstove
- Participation:
- Helping to implement what has been developed according to the vision & spirit of the platform.
- Helping to promote this platform to other colleague stakeholders in the region.